Monday, December 10, 2007

chapter 2 Case project

1. Henderson and Associates, a mid-sized engineering firm, hired you as a consultant to design their network. The company occupies three floors in a building downtown with PCs on all 40 desks and three servers. The company management also wants to keep costs down but needs a reliable network. Select a topology or combination of topologies, to service this company. Draw a map of this network.

2. The database manager for your company wants to implement a “server Farm” for the database servers. These servers will be replicated; the network must operate reliably and quickly yet still be able to connect to other devices. Develop two plans, with different topologies. For implementing this server farm; discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each concept.

3. Design networks for two classroom environments – a permanent facility and a travelling classroom. They must have connectivity for 20 PCs and a server, and be inexpensive and easy to set up. Present both versions of this design to the class, and discuss the benefits of each.4. Design a network for a 3-D imaging firm. It must have connectivity for 40 high speed imaging workstations and two servers. This network must support high performance and easy reconfiguration into as many as eight workgroups, any of which may have as many as a dozen members. Explain the kind of networking device required to create such an environment and why it’s the only choice for this particular kind of networking implementation.

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