Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Chapter1 Case Project

1. It must be a server-based network because it provide centralized control over network resources, primarily by instituting network security and control through the servers own configuration and setup. It manufactured to handle multiple request for shared resuorces expeditiously.
2. It must be a peer-to-peer network because each individuals user control access to the resources taht reside on his or her machine.Users may give everyone else unlimited access to thier resources, or they may grant restricted access to other users on the network. Also they can decide whether the supply a password or not.
3. It must use a server-based network because can handle anywhere from a handful to thousands of users, as such network to serve entire organizations or to keep pace with an organizations growth and expansion.
4.The find of specialized server need to install at American Toll and Die is the Fax Server bacause it manage fax traffic for a network, receiving incoming faxes via telephone distributing them to their receipients over the network and collecting outgoing faxes across beforesending them via telephone.